Comments on: Meeting David Bowie Official Website for Sophie B. Hawkins Sat, 24 Jun 2023 13:57:03 +0000 hourly 1 By: Keith Tue, 26 Apr 2016 10:34:00 +0000 Hello there, I’m Keith.
Truly I’m sorry because I’m not sure where I am here. Here, now, is 8:04pm April 26, 2016. Eastern Seaboard of Australia.
This morning, I discovered a Sophie B. Hawkins song called “Before I walk on Fire.”
I’ll be honest, I’d not heard that song previous to this morning. But I’ve heard it more than one hundred times since.
I’m 56 years old, and soon to be divorced for the second time, and truly struggling with life. Honesty is the recipe for today.
I’ve driven over 1200 miles in the last two days and listened to Sophie tracks the entire time. But I swear to you now, I was astonished with the effect that “Before I walk on Fire” has had on me.
I’m not sure if Sophie herself reads these comments, because as I said earlier, I’m a little unsure of where I am here (on this site) but if someone who knows Sophie could ask her…….. WHAT……..was she thinking when she wrote the words to that song?
Sophie………. How do you write lyrics like…. I’m sorry. I’m sorry for being scared?
This is astonishing. Truly. After I worked out simply by playing the song over and over in my car what those lyrics were……. I teared up a little whilst still driving my car. I thought….shit, what’s going on here, but I had to keep driving. As previously stated here. Today’s recipe is honesty.
I’d been driving all day today, and I simply HAD to reach my destination. When I DID reach it, I selected Park, secured the hand brake, and burst into tears.
Sophie, what is going on darling?
What are you attempting here? by turning an outwardly intelligent, articulate man like myself into a blubbering fool by writing words like that?
Darling, what was in your mind when you penned those words? I really need to know this. Truly I do. This is gonna bug me forever if I don’t get to the bottom of this.
How much of what you write, is from personal expeience? Is this TOO personal of me (a stranger) to ask someone such as yourself?
I’m being honest with you Soph, what do you say?
And if you DO find the words from personal experience, how do you stay (outwardly) unaffected when you sing those particular songs that appear to be…… close to your heart? Our, or at least MY heart is the most precarious part of my (our) entire being. MY heart, (My lord, my heart’s been broke a thousand times, it gets broken practically every day. sigh)
Please reply, Keith.
