Comments on: Earth Day 2020 Official Website for Sophie B. Hawkins Sat, 24 Jun 2023 13:55:22 +0000 hourly 1 By: Peacefulwarrior Mon, 04 May 2020 22:19:52 +0000 Sophie When I first saw you in CA at Troubadour in 1992 there was this instant connection that I felt. I’ll never forget you looked at me and said have we met before. Maybe we had in past lives for all I know. What I do know we have so much in common. The love of mother earth who sustains all of life, animals that give unconditional love. Thank you Soph for sharing Earth day with us. Peace & Love always.. Russian River Jo from CA”

By: Trish Wed, 22 Apr 2020 21:03:40 +0000 Kia ora Sophie,
Thank you for sharing your thoughts during this unprecedented time.
Stay well,keep writing,keep singing,stay being you!!
Aroha from New Zealand Xx

By: Nicole Hunter Wed, 22 Apr 2020 19:23:39 +0000 I’ve loved your music since the 90s. Me and my boyfriend saw you in concert in Boston and it was amazing. Your music has depth and pinnacle soul. Xoxo

By: Nicholas Barrett Wed, 22 Apr 2020 17:27:45 +0000 Thank you for these thoughts, prayers and a song on a day that matters. When some people are so cynical, it’s right and good simply to stand with Greta Thunberg, bless her. And with you — I’ve enjoyed your music since the 1990s. oXo
