Comments on: Happy Easter Official Website for Sophie B. Hawkins Sat, 24 Jun 2023 13:54:28 +0000 hourly 1 By: Cary K Mon, 24 Jan 2022 07:11:17 +0000 Dear Sophie and readers; I wish to respond to and expand on your observation that Jesus is the body of a man with the heart and soul of a woman. I wish to examine this because you are so close to something that I think you feel in your heart and want to believe in. The best record of Jesus’ life remains the Holy Bible which makes at least two points clear: Jesus is the Son of God, and God is Spirit – neither male nor female. In fact, Jesus was simply the best earth suit God (in the Creator/Father role) could find at the time, and any good priest, rabbi, or pastor could lead you through why the male form was necessary. But to believe in Jesus in no way diminishes or omits the natural authority and dominion of womanhood. Genesis chapter 1 describes the Deity as giving authority/dominion over the earth to both man and woman. The law and commandments define man and woman as sacred. Pointedly, please do not stumble over Christianity as a monotheistic gender-based religion. I invite, encourage, and exhort you to read and explore for yourself whether the Scriptures are true and cohesive and reflect the world as you know it to be and offer you something you have been looking for. Thank you for taking time to read my comment, and thank you Sophie for developing your gifts and bringing them out to the world, I have been blessed by your songs.

By: Jacob Daniel Gibson Sun, 09 May 2021 07:05:11 +0000 Thank You.

By: Matt Porio Wed, 28 Apr 2021 20:47:55 +0000 Incredible Song Sophie. Loved it. As usual with you, its more than words.

By: Michael Juetting Wed, 07 Apr 2021 13:37:06 +0000 Dear Sophie,

you’re so beautiful outside and in!!!
Love you!


By: Marc Cohen Sun, 04 Apr 2021 12:09:48 +0000 Dear Sophie. Amen.
